Pines and Palms

Palm trees
are classified within the botanical family Arecaceae
and require warm temperate climates, so you may encounter a portion of the
2,500+ species while traveling in the South.
Smaller varieties of palms are often grown in Wisconsin as houseplants;
you may also find larger specimens at botanical gardens where the necessary
tropical environment can be recreated in greenhouses and atriums. In nature, specific palms can thrive within
their range, from arid deserts to rainforest climates. Florida and southern
Georgia provide a “happy place” for palms!
Both pines
and palms are economically important trees as well. They offer a selection of
numerous species and cultivars. They can be utilized as landscape
plantings. In addition, pine is a
renewable resource providing lumber for homes and building projects. Palms are utilized to make certain food
products. Beyond their aesthetic value,
pines and palms place their signature on our country’s economy... both
pines and palms deserve some respect!
M. Lynn
Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture
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