The GOOD… the BAD…
the UGLY!
On this
sunny, warm August day I am writing for Goodness
in the Garden using the laptop in our camper, currently located at a
campsite in scenic south central Wisconsin.
Surrounded by mature evergreens and deciduous trees… and INSECTS, it is
fitting to pay homage to some of the insects that inhabit our environment. While all insects serve a function in
nature—except, perhaps, mosquitos—the insects featured in today’s blog are not
often seen close up. But whether
studying people, animals or insects, we never know when we might encounter the
GOOD… the BAD… or the UGLY!
I was
fortunate to be able to photograph these insects, due to the keen eyes of our
Lammscapes Landscape Technicians; these young ladies work at various job sites
and encountered the unusual slug shown here.
Just last week they captured a living emerald ash borer from the bark of
a tree they had diagnosed as a victim of EAB.
After all the EAB research and reports I did during my horticulture
training, I was actually able to hold a living specimen in my hand (secured inside
a plastic bag, see photo). When
researching EAB on line, photos are greatly magnified; it’s useful to
understand the iridescent green borer’s true size.

M. Lynn
Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Aboriculture
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Aboriculture
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