Horticulture manifests itself OUTDOORS in various ways. Christmas tree farmers harvest all trees ready for market. During their decade of developing into the perfect trees to display treasured ornaments, those evergreens were watered and cared for, as all trees deserve.
After harvest is completed the soil will be rejuvenated with nutrients, and young tree seedlings will be planted to begin the cycle again. (More trees to generate oxygen for our environment… always a good thing.)
Wreaths are often comprised of branches from a single evergreen, like boxwood (genus Buxus) while others are a mix of several species. My favorite wreaths include a blend of branches from white pine, balsam, cedar, juniper (with blue berries) and spruce. The addition of a large bow, sprigs of holly and sparkly ornaments will complete the wreath (although I have seen feathers and other unusual bling used.) Non-traditional wreaths can be quite stunning!
Although it may seem unlikely, a horticulture theme permeates the month
of December. Nature surrounds us—especially
after a winter storm when evergreens are covered with sparkly white blankets of
fresh snow. Enjoy the season!
M. Lynn Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture