Training children . . .
training TREES!
Who would
guess there are traits common to a well trained CHILD and a well trained TREE? Children raised in a supportive, nurturing, and nutritionally rich environment usually
grow into healthy, productive citizens.
Young trees will thrive and flourish in a similar environment…
A young deciduous tree will
benefit from support provided by proper staking to protect the tree’s
trunk. Place two stakes on opposing
sides of the tree being planted; secure the tree’s trunk by wrapping a
non-abrasive strapping material around the stake and trunk, and tie
securely. On opposing side, repeat this
step. On a windy day when a tree’s
foliage collects the wind, the trunk is stressed. Staking should provide support and prevent the
young trunk from fracturing.
When a child requires guidance, I often observe a parent or caregiver
utilizing a teachable moment to
instruct or correct the undesirable behavior.
A tree may also experience a teachable
moment… an optimum time when a young tree can be pruned and shaped to
promote stronger limbs and a single central leader. (My trees class instructor was a Certified
Arborist who advocated the pruning of young trees to create ONE dominant
central leader. He discouraged extensive
pruning of mature trees unless storm damage occurs. Young trees can benefit from healthy pruning

As a young
tree sets roots deep into the soil —as well as growing lateral roots— the soil
quality and structure will affect the tree’s health and well being. Compacted soil lacks tiny spaces which
provide crucial oxygen for the tree’s roots; instead, a loose nutrient-rich
soil containing organic matter is beneficial. Eventually, the tree must
adjust to the native soil where it is planted, so mix in some native soil when
backfilling new tree.
Some trees
might develop chlorosis if the soil lacks iron and manganese, so these
nutrients may need to be added to sustain a healthy tree. Using a liquid fertilizer containing 10%
phosphorous is also beneficial to tender root development. With quality
soil, adequate moisture and sun, a young tree will develop foliage and
photosynthesize, creating its own sugars to feed its roots.
raising children or raising trees, the nutrition and environment provided
should result in successful outcomes!
M. Lynn
Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture