Sipping Tea and
Perusing Seed Catalogs
With our first rockin’ snowstorm of the
season behind us, in Southeast Wisconsin we are quite confident we’ll enjoy a
sparkly, bright, white Christmas this year.
In the days ahead, each of us will celebrate the season in our own
personal ways… enjoying family traditions, celebrating with friends and
coworkers, cooking and baking family specialties, observing the sparkle in the
eyes of our children and grandchildren.
Although the Christmas season lends
itself to religious and secular celebrations, the hectic pace that consumes us
during December usually slips away as we ease into January. (I have learned to appreciate the slower pace
of January… more time to reorganize, redesign our landscape, and review the
newest seed catalogs.)
So brew another cup of hot tea, sit in a
comfy chair, and page through your new seed catalogs. Seize the moment AND the
month… January can be a special time!
M. Lynn Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture