A Living Christmas
Tree… a very good thing

Since living
Christmas trees are typically small specimens (2.5’ to 3’ tall), you won’t need
many ornaments to decorate it. If you
prefer tiny lights, one string of 50 – 100 lights should be sufficient. If you plan to display your tree on an outdoor
deck, you can place a few ornaments on it that are visible from inside your
home. If you prefer a “green” décor instead,
simply make bird-attracting ornaments like pinecones tied with string and
rolled in peanut butter and birdseed.
people select a living Christmas tree in memory of a loved one… the tree can be placed in your yard
and, if you wish, you might decorate it with ornaments reminiscent of the favorite
color of your loved one. (In spring, you
will remove all ornaments from your tree before placing it in your chosen
Colorado blue
spruce and Serbian spruce are examples of trees that work nicely for Christmas
decor; later they are “repurposed” as an element of your landscape. Many of our
Lammscapes’ customers have successfully planted living Christmas trees during
the past decade. A few hints to ensure
If kept indoors during Christmas season, a maximum of 10 days to two weeks! Keep away from heat vents and fireplaces or heaters. Then tree must be taken outside to re-acclimate to colder temps; can keep in garage , but please WATER!
If kept indoors during Christmas season, a maximum of 10 days to two weeks! Keep away from heat vents and fireplaces or heaters. Then tree must be taken outside to re-acclimate to colder temps; can keep in garage , but please WATER!
If kept outdoors on display, keep it wet, and wrap
root zone in layers of burlap fabric. Wind
dessication is the enemy of conifers/evergreens, so storing tree out of the
wind is most helpful. When soil is
workable in springtime, just dig hole, plant and fertilize the young tree, and
enjoy watching it thrive and grow taller!
M. Lynn Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture
M. Lynn Schmid, Certified Master Gardener
A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture