Sunday, May 5, 2019



As we move into MAY and winter weather releases its grip on Southeastern Wisconsin, plant lovers here are eager to work their fingers through the soil on a soft, sunny day. They are anxious to plant a few cool-weather veggie seeds (like radishes and peas) to officially commence our 2019 growing season.  

Veteran gardeners are so ready to begin the plant-nurture-harvest season once again… but what about those who are novice gardeners?  

Those individuals might appreciate a few guidelines from an experienced gardener—suggestions that will help ensure success as these new gardeners accept the challenge of growing edibles and ornamentals this season.  

Here are some thoughts to encourage a new or novice gardener:

Think SMALL … when you select a new garden space.  Soil prep, weed and turf removal for a large area can be overwhelming for a new gardener. 

Think GARDEN ART… a few well placed pieces will enhance; too many pieces may appear tacky (less is more; you’ve heard this before!)

Think SEEDS… not every plant needs to be purchased in a plastic pot. You can purchase seed packets, or participate in a seed exchange with friends. (Some libraries also offer participation in seed exchanges—check your library.)

Think SWAPPING… early spring is usually ideal for dividing perennials, especially plants in the Hosta genus.  You give a portion of your perennial to a friend, and they provide you with something from their plant collection.

Think LOCAL… perennials grown in or near Wisconsin are more likely to transplant successfully and should thrive in our soils and climate.

Think BUTTERFLIES… these beauties will visit your yard more often if you “invite” them with tempting, colorful blooms.  (Butterflies have distinct preferences, whether they are feeding on nectar or laying eggs.  Look up a few butterflies on line and plant some of their favorite flowers to increase chances of butterfly sightings in your own garden.)

Think BLOOM TIMES… select annuals and perennials that bloom at various times, keeping your garden vibrant and attractive, spring through fall.

Think RIGHT PLANT, RIGHT PLACE… sun lover or shade lover?  rich, organic soil? gravely, well-drained soil? Choose wisely to keep plants happy.

Think SUCCESS… enjoy learning new skills, have confidence in your abilities!

M. Lynn Schmid,   Certified Master Gardener
 A.A.S. Landscape/Horticulture/Arboriculture

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